Tuesday, November 18, 2008


This post is about the great physicist – and about verifiable astrological hypotheses.

I do not know Landau’s time of birth, but all I need here is the date, because the main issue is the transit of Saturn over his natal Sun.

Landau was born on 22.01.1908, and the chart is as follows:

One of the major dramatic events of his life was the road accident that happened on 7th January 1962 and deprived him from work till the end of his life.

It is easy to check what was happening in the sky that time: transit Saturn was conjunct with Landau’s natal Sun. I can assure you that this transit is one of the heaviest in one’s life (I experienced it quite recently, in 2006).

Then, I thought, there should be a similar very hard period in Landau’s life about 30 years before the accident (given Saturn’s period of 29.5 years on average). What happened then, around 1932? Certainly, there should be something similarly “catastrophic”?

I checked historic documents related to Landau’s life. To make it short, after living for years in Leningrad, in 1932 Landau moved to provincial Kharkov and started working in the local physical institute (which later became one of the world centres in theoretical physics, due to his efforts).

Why did he move over there? Because of the heavy and dramatic conflict with his supervisor Ioffe, whom he sarcastically criticised until the Saturn transit finalised that, in summer of 1932.

How did astrological hypotheses lead me to finding the historical facts that I had not known?

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